
Our Services

The percentage of disability claims due to mental illness continues to rise; a significant contributor to the $20 billion cost of workplace mental illness each year. Pre-COVID there was a shortage of psychiatric care, at crisis levels. Post-COVID the situation is worse.

Medaca offers a range of services to help employees receive treatment at different stages of a mental illness. Under the TeamCare brand, there are a range of treatment options that provide employers and insurers with early diagnosis and treatment for employees.


Medaca’s flagship TeamCare service provides employees with early access and treatment by some of the top psychiatrists in Canada.

Employee claims are sent to Medaca as soon as possible in the disability period. Cases are reviewed and, if an appointment with a psychiatrist is recommended, they will be seen within 15 business days. 6 to 12 months is the traditional wait time to see a psychiatrist in Canada.

Psychiatrists and family physicians then discuss a treatment plan to ensure recommendations are implemented quickly. The result is return to health and return to work.

Medaca has improved return to work rates significantly increasing the number of employees returning to work before the end of the short-term disability period by 30%. By working with Medaca businesses have reduced short-term costs by 25%. and improved 6-month return to work rates by 18% – even through the COVID-19 period.

TeamCare Stay At Work

As employees transition back to a post-COVID workplace, presenteeism has become a major threat to the productivity of organizations. This is an issue that now has the attention of the C-Suite. Leaders recognize the long-term strategic and performance costs at play.

Stay At Work is an early intervention and treatment service that helps employees recover while they’re still on the job. 80% of those receiving treatment early, will recover fully. This greatly reduces the impact on productivity in a demanding workplace, helps the employer avoid unnecessary disability costs, and most importantly, keeps a valued employee at work.


TeamCare Late Stage

Treatment of mental health disorders like depression is like treatment for any other serious illness. It can take time. The pace of recovery can be difficult to predict. This hurts employees with strong potential to return to work when they lose access to short-term treatment services once they cross the long-term disability threshold.

TeamCare Late Stage is tailored to fit these more complex situations. It is designed to assist insurers who are able to refer claims at a later stage STD or early LTD status. With effective, sustained treatment, claimants can recover and return to work.

TeamCare +

Early intervention for mental health challenges results in significantly reduced short-term and long-term disability claims.

In some cases, employees may benefit from more than one treatment option in order to recover and return to work productively. TeamCare+ provides access within 9 business days to a psychiatrist. Then, if necessary, virtual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (vCBT) is added to the treatment plan. Psychiatrists and psychotherapists work hand in hand to offer an integrated treatment approach that is shared with the family physician. Both are focused on a healthy and timely return to work.

TeamCare First Responders

First responders work in difficult situations every day – and have been pushed to the limit with the COVID-19 pandemic. They need support they can count on and they need it early. TeamCare FR™ is a treatment service designed for Canada’s first responders. Psychiatrists and psychologists with expertise diagnosing and treating PTSD, team up with family physicians to co-ordinate care. The goal is to get the help our first responders to return to a healthy and productive life.

Medaca practitioners are carefully selected to ensure they have specialized expertise with PTSD. There is a major shortage of this expertise in Canada.

Our Results

Here at Medaca, we are thrilled to be making a difference in workplaces across Canada.
We’re proud to have helped so many employers get their employees healthy, happy and back to work quickly.

86% of employees seen by Medaca return to work before the end of STD – 28% improvement
51% reduction in claims that advance to LTD from STD
20% increase in customer claims resolution rates from during
COVID-19 (2020-2021)
33% reduction in illness duration resulting in over $2.3 million of employer cost savings per 500 STD claims
26% cost savings per 500 STD claims


“Can I please see Dr. again? He was so nice and wonderful to talk too. I feel tired and overwhelmed but glad I talked with him.
I would love another session with him”
“I am very appreciative of the psychiatric assessment.
The medication provided through the report has decreased my symptoms and is I am doing much better now.”
“Thank you very much for the final report. It is very complete and everything is
very well explained.“
Family Physician
“This was an excellent follow up and assessment I appreciate your assessment and detailed treatment suggestions”
Family Physician
“I am very interested in the treatment options discussed and felt that the whole process was amazing.”
Family Physician
“The reviews have been excellent and treatment recommendations have great detail. This has made it clear for me to implement next steps with treatment.”
Family Physician
“Thank you for your thorough assessment and recent follow up. I am open to further recommendations and strategies for dealing with the patient’s
treatment resistant depression.”
Family Physician
“I have spoken with Dr. on 2 occasions. He was very helpful and I feel I can contact him anytime.”
Family Physician
“The report was a precious help to me. Thank you!”
Family Physician
“The patient is feeling hopeful and is pleased. He is very keen to follow up on counselling.”
Family Physician
“Thank you for the timely information and getting the patient seen quickly”
Family Physician
“A wonderful conversation with a very enthusiastic Family Physician who asked many relevant questions about this complicated case.
She will focus her attention towards the Bipolar management of her case.”
Client Case Manager
“This is my first expierence using Medaca, and it has been very positive.
Thank you all for being so prompt with responses and getting the clients the help they need in a timely manner.”
Client Case Manager
“This is just one example on how Medaca can significantly decrease claim durations. I just wanted to share this because this claimant was really having a hard time with the daily symptoms, wanted to go back to work, but was unable to and Medaca was able to change that very quickly, so we thank you.”
Client Case Manager
“You are all a wonderful group: very organized, thorough, polite, and professional. By
far the best assessment company I have ever known!”
Client Case Manager